Hello, and welcome to the Islands of Insanity's Animation Isles! Please feel free to travel around, boat's depart from here all the time! If you get lost, please refer to the Tourist Guide below!
synopsis of the series. The animes chosen to have their own islands are my favorites. Some of my new favorites do not have their own islands due to time constraints ^_^, but I still want to plug them anyway. If you haven't checked out the anime listed below, do so! Highly Recommended Anime-
Anime I don't recommend -_-;-
If you do not see your favorite, email it to me @ mako_chan7 at yahoo dot com. I'll check it out and see what I think of it.
This site is © Mako-chan7. We could care less if you take the images that we didn't make. In other words, the official anime pictures are free to take! DON'T steal our backgrounds or designs! Use your own brain if you want a good site! Stealing ours isn't going to help! Thanks for looking! |