"Knocked Out of Reality - Part Three" by RC92 & MC7

Back at the the dinner table Relena was desperately trying to keep a conversation going. "So Heero, do you want to dance?" she asked.
"Okay. Umm. So, what do you want to talk about? Sports? Television? Something??"
"I don't want to talk about anything."
"Fine. Then I'll talk to you and you can just listen. Alright?"
"*sigh* Whatever... Duo hurry up!!"
Then a loud noise came from the kitchen and everyone looked over at the kitchen door and saw smoke rising from under the door.
"Duo! Are you burning something?" Relena yelled.
Then the door opened and Duo stepped out holding something behind his back. "There's nothing to see in there! So don't worry about it! Anyways, here's your jello!", Duo said as he pulled what looked like burnt chicken from out behind him.
"You call that Jello?!?!" Relena screamed at him. "How could you mess this up so bad?? Just through that monstrosity out and I'll make the Jello!!!!", she screamed at him.
"NO!! You can't go in the kitchen!!", Duo screamed as he tried to stop her.
When Relena opened the door to the kitchen, she nearly fainted. There were pots and pans on the floors and counters, liquids of all kinds spilled everywhere, and a frying pan on the stove that appeared to be cooking something, but Relena had no idea what. She reached over and turned off the stove. By that time Wufei, Trowa and Quatre had entered the kitchen. Relena turned to Duo. "All I wanted you to do was make so me Jello...How hard could that be..You little @&#%$!!!! You've ruined my dinner with Heero!!!!" Relena said, obvioiusly losing whatever sanity she had left.
"Relena, I'm sooo sorry! But I've never even HAD jello before! I don't know how to make it!" Duo said, trying to reason with her.
"I bet you did this one purpose! Trying to get me and Heero apart so you could have him! Well you cant'!" She screamed back.
"That's not what I was doing..." Duo said, then he whispered, "Heero already doesn't like you..." Duo said quietly.
That only made Relena worse. She started screaming about insignificant things that didn't make any sense. She went on and on for four whole minutes without stopping. Then she stood by the stove and turned and looked at it. She stopped talking. She leaned over the stove and looked at the frying pan and touched it to see if it was hot. Then she picked it up and started to walk slowly over to Duo.
Duo, thinking Relena was going to yell at him some more about his horrible cooking skills sat down and the counter and lowered his head with guilt.
Relena stood still in front of Duo and started to raise the frying pan above her head.
"Duo, look out!" Quatre yelled.
Wufei and Trowa grabbed Relena and the frying pan and tried to get her to let go. Dup ran into the living room to look for a hiding place.
Finally, Relena let go of the pan and sat down on the floor. Trowa put the pan on the stove. Quatre and Wufei went to look for Duo and Heero was just stading there with a horrible look of confusion on his face.
Relena was still on the floor, her head down, when Quatre talked Duo into going back into the kitchen.
As he walked in, he had a very frightened look on his face. It got worse when Relena stood up.
"I want to apoligize to you. I wasn't thinking very clearly." Relena said.
"Oh, it's no prob! I guess I should apoligize-" Duo started to say, but trailed off because Relena had just dived for the frying pan!
"AHAhAhAhAhAh!!" Duo yelled in fear. Then Relena chased him around Heero. And around and around and around they went. Then the moment of truth! Relena lifted the frying pan, and WHAM!!!
"Whaaaaaaaaa!!" Duo yelled in anticipation of pain!
"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!" Everyone heard Relena scream. "My poor Heero!!" Then they all realized, she had hit Heero in the head, not Duo! And man did she hit him! He was out cold!
Knocked out of Reality 1
Knocked out of Reality 2