"Shattering - Prolouge" by NeoSenshiSaturn

A soft wind rolled across the skyline of Tokyo's 
biggest business district; it's gentle current rustled 
through the sandy locks of a little girl on top of one 
building, the Ten'oh-Shaziki High Rise. Her grey eyes 
seemed to look down on the streets below, watching all 
the people, mothers with their children, vendors 
selling any and every thing, cats scratching at car 
tires...they were all so happy, all so innocent....all 
so free. The little girl sighed, longing to be a part 
of them, to be a normal child. Why did Daddy have to 
drag her to work every day, and make her do lessons 
from a private tutor? Why wouldn't Mommy let her play 
in the park with other kids? Why did-"Haruka!" 
Oh no. "Ten'oh Haruka!" Grandma. "Ten'oh Haruka, come 
here now!" 8 year old Haruka crawled down from her 
perch, and smoothed down the skirt of her pastel 
yellow dress. Picking up her only companion, a 
bedraggled toy beagle named Kodachi-chan, she headed 
towards the doorway for her afternoon etiquette. 
Her world was an enclosed glass ball of innocence. 
A delicate, glass ball....that may be shattered at any 
given moment.