"Study Buddies" by Mako-chan7

It was a dark and wet Monday in Crossroads. Ami, Usagi, Minako, and Mako were at Rei's studying. Well, at least Ami was. Usagi was asleep, Minako was reading manga's, Mako wasn't paying attention and seemed to be daydreaming, and Rei was meditating. So of course they were unawear of Junjun's observant eyes watching their every move.

"Junjun, I want you to go watch the Senshi and see if any of their plans include getting in my way. Now go!", Junjun said, mocking the words Queen Neherenia had said.
"Why do I have to? I could think of other things I could be doing this Monday and all the other Monday's I spent here. You think she would get a clue, and figure out that they are not going to make the first move 'cause they don't think we are much of a threat.", Junjun said to herself.
Well, I'll show her. I'll attack the Senshi when they out their gaurds down. And they put their gaurds down the most when they study. Kee kee...

Back at the unsuccessful study group, Ami was starting to notice the other girls weren't studying like they should be. To get their minds back on studying, she slammed her math book down hard on the table. But none of them even flinched. So she ripped the magna from the laughing Minako, clapped her hands in front of Mako face, and pushed Rei over. As she was making her way over to Usagi, Rei stopped her.
"Okay Ami, you've done your part, now why don't you let me handle Usagi?", Rei asked with a devilish grin on her face.
"Fine, you can if you want, but please be nice about it, okay?", Ami pleaded.
But Ami pleas fell on deaf ears, for Rei had already grabbed Usagi by the shoulders and was shaking her with every ounce of strength she had.
Five minuets later, Usagi was still in shock. Untill Minako told her who had done it.
"REI!! What in the world WAS that FOR!", Usagi wailed.
"WELL, if you must know, your snoring was disrupting everyone's studying, so we decided to wake you up before we all went DEAF!!", Rei fibbed, trying to start a fight with Usagi. Needless to say Usagi took the bait and a big fight broke out between the two. As they were arguing over little nonsignifigant things, Rei mentioned something mean about Minako and Usagi being alike, and Minako joined the fight. All Mako and Ami could do was stare, wide-eyed, and open-jawed.

Outside, Junjun watched them argue, and thought this would be the best time to make her move. She crashed through the wall and attacked them with all she had. Junjun expected the Senshi to be very injured, but after the smoke cleared, there wasn't anyone there.
"Wow, I guess I don't know my own strength. Anyway, At least I got rid of the Senshi!", Junjun said gleefully.
Just then five shadows appeared in the doorway. The one in the middle started to say something, but the one on the left interrupted.
"For Love, Justice, and Homework! I am the pretty suited solder, Sailor Mercury! And in the name of Mercury, I will punish you for disturbing me while I was studying! Mercury Aqua Mirage!!!", Mercury yelled.
But Junjun moved to quickly and dodged it.
"It seems I'm way outnumbered, so I'll get you another time.", Junjun said as she dissapeared.
"Now that that's over with, let's get back to studying.", Ami said sternly.
"Remind me not to get in her way when it comes to studying, Okay?", Minako asked.
"Sure. I'll remind you, you remind me, we all remind each other so we still have five Sailor Senshi.", Mako replied.
"Good plan.", Rei said.

"I can't believe my suprise attack didn't even touch them! Ooh, those Senshi get on my nerves! You can bet I'm in for an ear full from Granny Zirconia. They're not going to like what I did. No, not one bit. So I just won't tell them.", Junjun said, irritated.

"Junjun, it's time for your report. Tell me all about the Senshi's plans so we can come u with a better one.", Zirconia ordered.
"Umm, yes, of course. Well, today was, just the same as yesterday, the Senshi are, umm, not really doing anything, that, would, maybe, get, in your way. And that's it for reports, so I'll just go now...", Junjun said.
"All right, go.", Zirconia said.
Whew, that was closer than I would have liked, but at least I'm still in one piece. I'll get you next time Sailor Senshi! Only I won't make the mistake of attacking while you study so I don't get blasted by that pyscotic Sailor Mercury..., Junjun thought as she left the room.