"True Moon - Part 13" by Tengoko

Rated: PG (language)

The Moon’s walked further into the temple and looked at Rowen. “He needs to get out of here. We came for you.” said Phobos. Rowen took the aim off of Calisto and aimed at Phobos.

“Try and make me leave.”

“Rowen, go and stand next to Sage. I can handle them.” Rowen looked at her as though she were foolish but put the arrow away and gradually walked towards the rest of the group who were now inside of the temple too.

“Ryo, make sure that they won’t be able to get through to the battle.” Phobos ordered. Ryo touched his sword on the ground and a large wall of fire was formed guaranteeing that there wouldn’t be any intrusion from the others. Deimos reinforced it and Calisto put a wall of lightning next to it.

“Not even Amy’s power can help you now. If the water touches the electrical energy everyone in this temple but Sage will die.” All of the moons laughed viciously. Raye took out her transforming wand.

“LIGHTNING HAMMER SLAM!” Calisto’s attack didn’t hurt Raye but it knocked the wand out of her hand and into the fire. Despite Raye’s new strength, she still could not touch the flames directly. Now she was powerless.

“That’s not fair!” screamed Rowen.

“Who said anything about being fair?”

“Ryo, how can you let them do this to her!?” Sage yelled.

“Ryo is not yours to talk to.” Phobos shouted.

“And he was never yours!” Raye replied. She decided it was worth it and stuck her hand into the fire. She wanted to shriek but she held it back. When she pulled it out her scorched hand was grasping her wand. Her flesh was melted and she couldn’t move her fingers.

Ryo stared at her hand. It made him want to get sick and cry. Why did he want to cry? Deep down he knew why. He felt the love for her again. Phobos’ hold over him no longer was there. He was back.

“Ryo, kill her.” Phobos said.

He lifted his sword. “What are you doing?” she asked him. The tip of his sword was touching her neck.

“You seriously think that I’m going to kill Raye. Not now, not ever.”

“Ryo, I can’t believe it. You beat the Moon’s mind control game.”

“Raye, I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“NO!” Phobos turned towards Raye and... “FIRES FROM HELL!” Since she hadn’t transformed yet it knocked Raye back into the fire. Her screams filled the temple. Ryo was trying to get past the Moons so he could save Raye. Rowen was yelling to Raye. Lita and Amy began to cry. They knew there was no way that Raye could survive that.

About forty-five seconds later Raye’s screaming had stopped. She had burned intensely for that long. Calisto motioned for them all to leave and they got rid of the barrier and jumped over the heads of the Ronin Warriors and Sailor Scouts. Rowen ran over to Raye and pulled her out of the fire.

Had he not seen her fall into the fire he would never admit that it was Raye. She was burnt beyond recognition. Seconds later Ryo was by his side and then he began to cry. Lita and Amy were standing about three feet away. Both of their eyes were open in fear. Raye looked so horrible. Sage took Lita and put her face into his chest so she wouldn’t look anymore. Tears began to soak into his shirt.

He stroked the back of her head and held back tears too. Amy’s hand went up to her mouth and she thrust herself forward and threw up. Rowen looked up at Amy and stood to go and help her. Cye and Kento decided from the start that they weren’t going to look at Raye. Instead they were looking at Ryo and Rowen. They wanted to make sure that both of them weren’t about to lose their minds.

Rowen held Amy lightly at first but then he started to cry. He held her tighter and tighter every second. Amy held him as tight as she could to let him know that she wasn’t going anywhere.

Ryo looked up at Kento and Cye. “What did I do? Did I hurt her?”

“You didn’t touch her. Don’t worry about that.”

“The minute I came back she died. That’s a rip off. At least I got to tell her that I loved her.”

“Elise, what are we doing here?” Tricia asked. They were well outside of Tokyo now. There were a lot of trees and almost nothing else. Ivy, Grace and Trista were following Elise to an unidentified destination.

“I have every reason to believe that it’s not a Sailor Scout that will awaken the Sailors of Justice.”

“What gives you that reason?”

“Ivy, what Sailor Scout do you think has the power to awaken Titania?” Elise stopped walking and gave Ivy a look that basically meant...I challenge you to name the scout that can awaken Titania.

Ivy said nothing but kind of gave a beaten look. Tricia looked at Elise and said, “If we hadn’t let you give Serena consent to get herself captured she wouldn’t have died. She could’ve done it.”

“It was Serena’s choice and not mine. That and I don’t think that even Sailor Luna could’ve woken them up. Like I said, I don’t think that it is a Sailor Scout that will wake them up. I think it’s rather possible that it could be one of the Ronin Warriors. I just don’t know which one.”

“So why would that conclusion lead us here?” asked Grace.

“A girl named Mia lives around here. She once helped the Ronin Warriors and knows each of them better than they know themselves. I also know that she has records of every armor in existence. I believe in those records it will tell us which one has the power to awaken them.”

“How do we know Darien can’t wake them up? For all anybody can tell, what she had for Kento was just a thing?”

“Ivy, you don’t date a guy for that long with out it meaning something. You don’t risk your life for a guy with out it meaning something. And you don’t die for a guy if it was just a thing. Trust me, Kento and Serena loved each other.”

“Do we even have to go to this Mia?” asked Tricia. “Think about it Elise. Kento is the Ronin Warrior of Justice. What we want to do is awaken the Sailors of Justice. I don’t think this is just coincidence.”

“I have though about that. I also thought about the fact that Sage is very in tune with the element of spirit. He can awaken them just as easily and almost certainly it is a more likely. Rowen has a link with space. Where do you think we get our names from? Large objects that float in space. He can breathe out there too. He can actually wake them up. They possibilities are endless.”

They were all at Sage’s house now. He was still holding Lita who was crying hysterically. Rowen was sitting on the couch with his face buried in his hands and elbows on his knees. Amy was next to him rubbing his back and crying slowly. Ryo was leaning up against the wall and was staring at the floor. His eyes were red and his cheeks were a little swollen. Kento and Cye were sitting on the floor in front of the couch.

“I shouldn’t have looked at her.” cried Lita. “I’m never going to forget it. It’s going to haunt me forever.” Sage held her tighter and kissed her forehead.

“You aren’t the only one who is going to have nightmares because of it.” said Sage.

Rowen began to cry harder, if it was possible and began to speak. “I shouldn’t have left her. They wouldn’t have touched her if I had stayed where I was. I had to pull her out Lita!” He shouted rising to his feet. “You have no idea what that was like! You think your going to have nightmares for the rest of your life? You just lost a friend. I lost my sister and my friend. You...you have no idea what the fuck pain is.”

Lita had stopped crying out of shock but a few seconds after Rowen had yelled at her she broke down again. “You don’t have to yell at me.” she said in a small voice.

Sage looked angrily at Rowen. “Don’t talk to her like that. Do you think you know what pain is? I lost both of my sisters. The whole damn world doesn’t revolve around your pain. So cry about it for a few days, promise yourself you will never forget her, and get over it.”

“Everybody stop yelling at each other.” said Kento. “Everybody who has died has meant something to each and every one of us in this room. It’s safe to say that we all know pain. Serena was my girlfriend and I loved her with all of my heart. Mina was Cye’s girlfriend and he loved her too. They were both Sage’s sisters. Sage and Rowen are like brothers and you guys grew up together. So Rowen grew up with them too and knew them like his own family. Likewise with Sage and Raye. Rowen and Raye were brother and sister and Ryo went out with Raye who was Serena’s best friend. So he knew Serena through Raye. Lita and Amy have been like sisters to all of them. So we each are linked to them and we can each equally feel pain.”

Rowen sat back down and put his head on Amy’s shoulder. Sage looked as though he was about to cry to and at the mention of Mina’s name Cye got a dead type of look on his face. “Man, I never thought I would be playing the peace maker here. We all just need to calm down.”

“So, Kento, are you glad you didn’t look at Raye when Rowen pulled her from the fire?” Ryo spoke at last. “Are you happy that you aren’t going to be haunted by her every time you close your eyes?”

“I knew I would be troubled if I looked. That’s why I didn’t look.”

“Lita,” said Amy, “Raye said she had a vision about Sailors of Justice. She said that there is somebody who has to wake them up. I think they were Sailor Titania and Prince Oberon.”

“The moons of Uranus? Don’t you think that Amara would be the one who’d wake them up?”

“I think if Amara was the one who had to wake them up, they would be awake by now. Amara never misses anything. They are probably looking for the person who can do it though. Elise definitely is looking. All I know though, is this isn’t over yet. A lot more is going to happen that we don’t have control over.”