Rated: PG (mild language, a few sexual references) “One of light is not the one but he plays a big part if the battle’s to be won. The one of water has a pure heart, and he could very well make a start.” Sage continued. “This means I won’t actually take part in waking them up but Cye will do something that begins the process. They didn’t tell us exactly how this would happen so that’s what we have to figure out.” “In Greek Mythology Uranus was the god of the skies.” Amy said. “Two of its moons are Titania and Oberon. The ocean is its polarity. They both meet at the horizon. This must have some significance.” “Maybe it’s why I make the start. The connection starts with the meeting of the ocean and sky. But where would we go to find the meeting of the ocean and the sky?” “To an ocean.” said Rowen. “Just because it doesn’t look like it, the sky always touches the ground. No matter what ocean you go to it will meet the sky. However, in mythology Uranus ran away from the earth. Could that really be the connection?” “We’ll find out.” Sage said. “The one who can reach my heart’s desire is the man of the element, fire. The one who can bring the prince to his wife, is the one with the influence of life. Ryo is the one who’ll wake up Oberon. However Rowen will be the one who brings him back to Titania.” “How am I the connection?” Sage and Rowen both went into silent concentration. Then Sage spoke again. “Oberon is the king of the fairies. You are the leader of the Ronin Warriors. You both have some authority. The only way to awaken me is to keep in mind that justice is the key. That would be Kento.” Somebody knocked on the door. Cye got up and the second he opened it Elise, Ivy, Grace, Titan and Mia walked through the door. As he closed it he said, “Nice to see you all why don’t you come in?” “Sorry about that.” said Grace. Mia looked at Sage and he tried not to look at her. “Listen; there is something that we need to tell you.” “If it’s about the Sailors of Justice we already know.” said Sage coldly. “What is she doing here?” “She’s going to help us figure out who will awaken Titania and Oberon.” said Elise. “Cye, Ryo, Rowen, and Kento are going to wake them up.” he said. “We don’t need her help.” “How do you know?” asked Ivy. “Amy went into a trance.” Rowen explained. “She told us this prophecy and we just figured it out.” “Yeah, I’m going to die.” said Amy. “Amy...don’t make me repeat myself.” said Rowen. “I can still be helpful Sage.” said Mia. “Don’t you trust me?” “You want to hear the truth?” The four sailor moons looked at each other and then back at Mia and Sage. “He’s just bitter because I dumped him.” Mia said matter-of-factly. “You’d like to think so wouldn’t you? I’m bitter because you think that I’ll come back to you. Well let me tell you something Mia. I will never ever go back to a hypocritical bitch. You took advantage of my friendship and my trust. Now that you lost my trust you will never get it back. So if you want me back Mia you are just going to have to keep dreaming. Got that?” “Talk about being welcomed. Sage you have always been an asshole.” “Yeah? Well this asshole is always saving your life. Mia, I don’t love you and I never loved you. You were just a friend and a piece of...” “Sage,” Rowen interrupted. “Stop it. You forget everything that she has done for us.” “No, it’s okay Rowen. It’s not your fault he’s ungrateful.” “I’m ungrateful?” “Did I stutter? Sage I let you live in my house, I let you go out with me, and I let you sleep with me.” “You practically begged me. I was horny. At that point in my life I would have done the Olsen twins. I’ve changed since then Mia. I fell in love with somebody.” “So you’re going to continue to love a dead girl?” She finally struck a nerve. “DON’T YOU EVER TALK ABOUT HER! SHE IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU AND SHE CARED ABOUT ME!” “I cared about you.” “You only cared about sex. You liked me look. Lita liked more than that. She liked what was beneath the look. She liked everything about me and you will never come close to the kind of person that she was.” Mia just stared at him flabbergasted. Sage looked as though he wanted to yell some more but he just looked straight ahead of him with a blank _expression. All of a sudden it looked as though he were being stabbed with a knife. He lost the support in his knees and fell hard to the ground. Kento and Cye who were closer got up to go to him. Sage buried his face in his hands and cried. His hands were shaking and he was making loud sobs. Finally he found his voice. “I loved Lita, I still do and I always will. I won’t give up on her. I know that I can bring her back I just know it.” “She is gone Sage.” said Ryo. “You can’t seriously believe that Raye is gone forever. They were the Sailor Scouts for crying out loud. You just don’t get rid of them like that. I know Lita will find a way back.” “Oh please.” said Mia rudely. “There are more important things than her right now. If you want an example I’ll be pleased to give you one.” “Shut-the-hell-up!” “Fine, then let’s get down to business.” “No offense Mia,” said Ryo, “We are really grateful for what you did for us all those years ago but now we can take care of ourselves. We know the secrets of our armor and we know the enemy. I seriously think we can take care of it. And it’s not like we don’t have help already. We have the Sailor Moons.” “And what if they die?” “Trust me...they won’t.” said Amy. “The prophecy says that they are in danger by the hand of five but they are not going to die...or something like that.” “How reassuring.” said Ivy. “Why is it that Queen Titania would bless her with the prophecy instead of one of us.” asked Grace. “Because we are not usually around the ones who needed to hear it.” said Elise. “Listen, you have figured out the prophecy?” “Yes, apparently Cye is the one who will start the awakening. We’re just trying to figure out how there is a connection.” “See, I told you I could be some help.” “Maybe I didn’t get to the point Mia. The Ronin Warriors and the Sailor Scouts will not discuss our problems with anybody who is not apart of the Ronin Warriors or Sailors Scouts.” Ryo looked at her feet instead of her face. “I’m sorry Mia but we don’t need you anymore. We aren’t the children we used to be.” “I don’t know. I look at you and I still see children. You obviously haven’t learned anything. I’m offering to help you and you are turning me away? Why would you do that? Especially after all that we have been through. How can you just cast me aside as though I mean nothing to you?” “It’s because you don’t mean anything to us Mia.” said Sage. “Mia, I have never liked the fact that we always had to make sure that you didn’t get yourself killed. I should have left you to those wolves.” “I should have left you in that cave.” “You were more of a burden than a help Mia. There were reasons we told you to stay behind but either you refused or you followed anyway. It wouldn’t have been that bad if you hadn’t brought that brat along with you.” Rowen said this but not as politely as Ryo but not as mean as Sage. “Jeez, by the way you are talking it sounds like she was about to have his baby.” Everybody waited for dispute to come from Sage but none came. All that happened was more tears fell and his skin went pale. The realization hit Rowen and Amy first. Rowen stood up and hugged his best friend while Sage just kept crying. Ryo soon came to Sage and put his hand on his shoulder. Kento and Cye were standing a few inches away wondering what they should do. “She was about a month in a half pregnant.” He backed away from Rowen. “She was going to name her Kristina. For some reason she was so sure it was going to be a girl. We were going to get married in September. She is still wearing the ring and I still have mine.” He held up his left hand and for the first time they noticed the gold band around his ring finger. “We were going to get this two room apartment that she had always wanted. You know not the room in particular just something like it. She was already trying to find the right shade of pink for the baby’s room.” Sage looked at Cye and realized that his color had changed between a pale and ill green shade. Cye noticed that Sage was looking now and just nodded faintly. “You and Mina....were...” “She thought it was going to be a girl too. She wanted the wall to be green though just in case we were wrong. She was going to name her Kiara. I thought it was kind of silly but she said her favorite movie was the Lion King. Now I don’t care what she names her I just want them back.” Silent tears fell from his eyes and crept slowly down his cheeks. Amy came forward and said, “Of course there is a way they can come back. I’ve died at least two times as a Sailor Scout but Sailor Moon always found a way to bring me back along with the others.” There was a knock on the door and while Kento went to get it Sage said, “Sailor Moon is dead. How can she bring them back?” “We have more than one Sailor Moon Sage...and who did she give the throne to, Pluto?” “Yes she did.” said Trista walking into the room followed by the Outers and the ex-warlords. “But as I am aware of this prophecy I have to hand the throne over to somebody who won’t die. I think it only fitting that I offer the throne temporarily to Elise Regal. But once Titania brings back Sailor Moon you must give it back to her...and by that I do mean Sailor Luna.” “You misunderstood me, let me explain. Grace, Ivy and Tricia had no intention of keeping the throne. We were prepared to protect Serena but Christy, Demi, Phibi, Sharon, and Tracy had every aim of removing it permanently. This is why they are no longer a part of out group. What they didn’t count on was the Ronin Warrior’s love being pure. And now for some reason they want the nefariads to destroy us.” “Well, you Sailor Moon’s are the Sailor Scouts last hope...and the Ronin Warriors. The warlords are supposedly supposed to depart this life as well. Amy, are you frightened?” Everyone looked at Amy who was silent and surprised at these words. “Why would you ask me if I was afraid? I’m a Sailor Scout, if I have to die to save the planet than I’ll do it. It doesn’t matter if I’m afraid or not. It’s not about me...but truthfully I’m scared. I’m scared of leaving Rowen but if it has to take place for the world I’m willing...” she stopped and started breathing faster. Rowen went over to her and buried her in his arms. “I’m not willing to leave you, I don’t want to leave you.” she said through tears. “You’ll never leave me if you don’t want to leave me. I’ll never let you go either.” Rowen’s hand went to the back of her head and lightly pushed it onto his shoulder. He started stoking her hair as she cried on his shirt. “I love you so much honey and that can’t be taken away. Death cannot stop true love.” Suddenly Sage’s eyes lit up. “Did you say Titania can bring Serena back?” |