"True Moon Part 4" by Tengoko

Rated: PG ish

"I really don't know how to thank you Lita." said Mina

"I understand what it feels like to be tossed to the curb by your brother. But I would have never guessed he would toss you two."

"I'm surprised he tossed Mina. I always knew he wouldn't hesitate to toss me. I just never wanted to admit it to myself."

"Well I was just scared I would be coming home alone, but thanks to him I have two knew room mates."

"You know I'm not very tired." Said Mina.

"Let's stay up and just talk." Said Lita. "That's always fun. I will even make cookies and pizza."

"Goodie!" Serena jumped with glee. "What a perfect birthday present."

"I'm sorry your birthday didn't turn out to great."

"Don't worry. I'm getting used to having bad birthdays."

"We'll make it up to you. Tomorrow I will call the girls and we will have a real party. Without the men because recently, whenever one of them is around someone always tends to screw something up."

That sounds nice. Maybe we should have invited Amy. She's probably feeling pretty down in the dumps right now."

"I'll call her." Said Lita. "She probably won't feel up to coming over though."

"Hey, while you're at it call Raye. I don't want to leave her out of this."

"We should just have one giant sleep over and save us a lot of trouble."


Amy was sleeping on her couch. It was a very disturbed dream. Rowen and Charon were kissing passionately. Rowen had never kissed Amy like that before. Than a few years flashed by and she was sitting next to a three or four year old boy.

" Mommy, what was daddy like?"

" I don't want to talk about daddy right now." She had a flash back of Charon stabbing Rowen in the chest. Amy woke up with a start, tears streaming down her face. She sat up and grabbed her stomach.

" It's kicking." She said. Then the phone rang and Amy jumped. She kicked off her blankets and answered it. " Hello?" she said in a trembling voice.

" Amy it's Lita. Are you okay."

" No. Lita I have to tell you something."

" Alright. Listen can you come over. I'm really worried about you being by yourself. You can tell us then."

" Us? Oh you mean Serena and Mina."

" Well, I'm going to call Raye too. I am worried about her too."


Raye had finally arrived. The cookies, pizza and punch were nicely set on the coffee table. They sat around it but nobody reached for the food.

"What's up Amy?"

"Remember how I told you I would do anything to satisfy Rowen?"

"Yeah…Oh my God, Amy you didn't."

"Yes I did. I'm pregnant." Nobody said a word. They sat shocked for a few seconds and then they all got up and hugged Amy. "I had this dream that Charon killed Rowen and I couldn't tell my son who his father was."

"It's a boy?"

"Well if my dream comes true it will be, but it's to early to scientifically prove it."

"Charon better not kill my brother." Said Raye. "Or she won't be alive long enough to rule any kingdom."

"Well anyway…" Lita was interrupted by a knock at the door. She opened it to see four taller women. " Who are you guys."

"My name is Elise."

"You are the one Sailor Charon was talking about."

"Yes but I do not agree with what the others did. If you let us come in we can explain."

Lita examined them cautiously and then nodded.

"First let us introduce ourselves. Like I said my name is Elise. Elise Regal. I am also Sailor Europa."

"I am Grace Safaid. I am Sailor Ganymede.

"My name is Ivy Lepiduson or Sailor Io."

"And finally my name is Tricia Khan or otherwise know as Sailor Titan of Saturn. We just want you all to know that we are against what the others are trying to do. If Serena doesn't want to give us the throne we understand but we prefer that she sort of let one of us take over for a short period of time. At least until the Nefaraids go away."

"I told you once before I will not give it up. I will face whatever is coming."

"Bravery. It is strong in you." Said Elise. "We will help fight with you than. But the others won't be so easy to control. They want the throne out of your hands. I am sorry to say but they have stolen each of your boyfriends."

"No!" said Raye and Mina. Serena stayed silent.

Elise continued. "They have always been hard to order. They really want all of you to suffer and since they all of the power of hypnosis and Charon is stronger than any of us in the telepathic, and hypnotic area we are powerless to stop it."

"But why do things have to change because I don't love Darien?"

"Tempora mutantur nos et mutamur in illis." Said Tricia.


"The times change and we change with it." Said Amy. "Rowen spoke Latin. He taught it to me." She looked at her feet and tears began to fall.

"I don't know how to apologize for the grief they are causing you. I am trying to stop them. Serena, I know you don't trust us but if we join forces we could win."

"Do you mean all of you or just the four of you?"

"The four of us." Answered Elise.

"If you help us get our men back we will help you save the universe." They shook hands. "But I still control the moon kingdom."

"I know. We must be going. I will see you later. And again I apologize for what is happening. I will talk to the girls and tell them to back off but I doubt it will do much. What we just did probably made my enemies my friends and my friends my enemies."


Raye walked into her room at the fire temple and plopped down on the bed. She hadn't seen Ryo since the Movie Theater and now with the new Elise had given her she didn't want to see him. At least with him though the love he felt towards whoever stole him wasn't pure.

"Hey loser." Rowen walked in. " Where have you been?"

"At Lita's house as if it is any of your business."

"Sharon has just told me that you have allied with the other Sailor Moons."

"What's it to you? Sharon, is that her name? I should have known. They chose their names when they came here and Charon and Sharon aren't too much dissimilar. She is really original huh?" she asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Shut up. I don't want you to go back to Lita's house."

"You don't own me. I will go if I want to." She stood up and walked out.

Rowen's mouth transitioned into an evil smile and her muttered, " If you venture out too far Phibi will get you."

Raye hadn't heard him and she walked out of the temple.

"Hey Raye." Said Ryo. Next to him holding his arm as though she were a snake crushing its prey was a woman. " Is Rowen here?"

"I really couldn't care. Let me guess, is this Sailor, oh help me out…"

"Phobos you dimwit."

"As opposed to what? You? Give me a break."

"If you don't shut up I will give you more than one." She let go of Ryo's arm and pulled out her transforming wand. " PHOBOS MOON TRANSFORM!"


"Let's see just who the stronger scout is. Mars or her moon."

"I would like nothing more than to make you bleed."

"Just try it."

"MARS FLAME SNIPER!" Phobos held up her hand and summoned a spear and an orb of some kind. She held the orb in front of her and it absorbed the fire energy from the attack. She placed the orb on her spear and held it out in front of her.

"FIRES FROM HELL!" A Giant firewall raced towards Raye. There was no way to dodge it or stop it.


"NEPTUNE SUBMARINE REFLECTION!" The flames were extinguished.

"Sailor Neptune?" yelled Phobos. "You aren't supposed to be here."

"I once promised the Sailor Scouts I would help them when they were in trouble. I will keep my word." She stepped forward followed by the rest of the inner Sailor Scouts already transformed.

"I am really ashamed Phobos." She turned around and Uranus was standing a foot away. "Sailor Io had to pull a lot of strings to contact us and I am not happy about what I hear."

Sailor Pluto and Saturn jumped off the roof and landed in front of her.

"This stops now!" Pluto said sternly.

"And if you refuse our offer, we won't hesitate to kill you." Saturn held her glaive out to where the blade was mere inches away from Phobos' forehead.