
  Cute Guys -

Elijah Wood

So, you've come to see Elijah, huh? Too bad!!!! I'm going to make you watch Britney Spears for 24 hours instead!! Mwa ha ha ha ha!! *cough cough* Just kidding!!!!! Don't leave! I was just kidding! I would never torture anyone like that! So you just go enjoy my very little site space on Elijah...

So, I think everybody wants to know why I like Elijah. And if you don't, I can still get Britney over here!! Maybe it's his looks....His Voice?? His good ACTING!?! Maybe I just like the movies...Anyways, I like him cause he's cool! And cute...



January 28, 1981 (23 in 2004)

Birthplace Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the state above Missouri. I forgot that during a test, so now I'll remember for the rest of my life!
Career Actor
Likes ?
Dislikes ?
Pets 2 Dogs
Films Forever Young (Nat Cooper, 1992)

The Faculty (Casey Conner, 1998)

The Bumble Bee Flies Anyway (Barney Snow, 1999)

Chain of Fools (2000)

The Lord of the Rings (Frodo Baggins, 2001, 2002, 2003)

Fave Anime's ?
Marital Status Single as far as I know

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