
  Moonlight Island -

(` Isolated World of the Silent Destructor`)

My Opinions:

Hotaru is pretty confusing when it comes to age. I can't tell if she's Chibi-Usa's age or Haruka and Michiru's age. Beats me!!

Original Information:

Name Tomoe Hotaru
Aliases Sailor Saturn
Other titles Mistress 9
Birthday January 6
Fave Color Purple
Fave Subject World History
Blood Type AB
School Mugen Gakuen
Henshin None that I know of
Attacks Silence Wall, Death Ribbon Revolution

Dub Information:

Name Hotaru Tomoe, Sailor Saturn
Power-ups None
Attacks None, she did used an unnamed one on Pharaoh 90

Funny Facts:

Hotaru's body housed three different beings! Hotaru, Mistress 9 and Sailor Saturn! Glad that wasn't me...


Hotaru lives with her father in a big house. Her mother is deceased.

In the Manga, during the S Season, Professor Tomoe dies. In the Anime, he lives, with amnesia, and takes care of Hotaru after she is reborn.

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