
  Isle of Samurai Legends -

Ryo's Hut Room

My Opinions:

Ryo is way too arrogant! He should have killed Arago when he had the chance! Uranus would have had his head if she'd been around...

Original Information:

Name Sanada Ryo
Other titles Ryo no Rekka
Birthday August 15
Birthplace Yamanashi
Age 14(TV) - 16(G) - 17(K, M)
Height 165 cm/5'4" (TV) - 176 cm/5'9" (M)
Weight 57 kg/125.5 lbs (TV) - 62 kg/136.7 lbs (M)
Blood Type O
Power-up Busso Rekka!
Attacks Double Flame Cut

Dub Information:

Name Ryo
Title Ryo of Wildfire
Power-up Tao Jin!
Attack Flare Up Now!

Funny Facts:

Ryo is funny. Not much else to say. He does have this huge white tiger that follows him around...But you already knew that...:)

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