

Mutant Island -

nightcrawler's hut Room

This is based on X-Men: Evolution.

My Opinions:

The fuzzy blue dude is my favorite good guy!!!! He's blue! He's cool!

Basic Stats:

Alias Nightcrawler
Real Name Kurt Wagner
Hair Blue
Ability Teleportation
Age 15? 16?

He's the son of Mystique, but he was lost while he was very little and raised by some nice people. Rouge is his stepsister.

At the beginning of the series, it looked like he and Kitty (Shadowcat) were interested in each other, but now it looks like he's into Tabitha (Boom Boom).


This site is © Mako-chan7. We could care less if you take the images that we didn't make. In other words, the official anime pictures are free to take! DON'T steal our backgrounds or designs! Use your own brain if you want a good site! Stealing ours isn't going to help! Thanks for looking!