

The Islands of Insanity - Entertainment Island -

Fan Art

Tengoko sent me some new stuff to go with her Fan Fic, True Moon! It's at the bottom!
I'm sorry I don't have any thumbnails, I'm still working on that. All new images will be marked with a '*'.


If you would like to contact one of the artists, please leave a message for them in the Guest Book and I'll pass it along! ~MC7

By Mako-chan7:
Sailor Moon
This one is very old. I had it laying around and decided to scan it.

Sailor Venus
Drawn from SuperS 2, just like the Jupiter one and the Mercury one.

Sailor Jupiter
A manga drawing. I it doesn't look exactly right.

Sailor Mercury
Drawn from the same manga as the one above. I made her hair a little longer than it should have been.

Uranus World Shaking!!!
She's using the wrong arm, but I guess that's my fault.:)

Sailor Jupiter and Venus
This is like what they looked like when they were younger, in my mind...

Princess Kakyuu
I sketched this one when I got bored.

Tin Nyanko
Needs outlined with a black pen.

In other words, Sekment.

Bell Sprout
I was trying to draw an evil Bell Sprout, but it didn't work.

Sailor Somebody
I drew this one just cause I was bored. It turned out pretty good.

No Arms. He he he...

??? Relena Angel???
I was drawing an angel and made the head look like Relena's, but not on purpose...

This was my first Trowa. I messed up the face.

This one has Trowa looking like Goku! It took me forever to give him a nose...

This is my third attempt at drawing Trowa. It's a little strange:). Sorry for all the writing on it, but I sent it to this anti-Trowa site before I put it up here.

She looks evil, don't you think?

This one really sucks.

This one was drawn from a comic, so it doesn't look to much like the anime Misty.

By Rei_Chan92: (comments by RC92)

Sailor Mars
This one is old.

Treize and Une
No Comments.

Sailor Venus
This one is really crappy.

Chibi Chibi
It's Sailor Mini Mini Moon!

Serenity looks fat.

It's a bad picture.

This was my first one, so you can't blame me if it looks bad.

Her hair looks funny.

She thinks the hair isn't right.


By NeoSenshiSaturn:
Sailor Earth
It's the picture that goes with her fanfic about Sailor Earth.

Sailor Earth
Here's the fic that goes with the pic!

By Tengoko:
Good Sailors
This one goes with True Moon. Left to right: Io, Europa, Ganymede, Triton.

A bigger picture of Europa. Also goes with True Moon.

* Knight Mercury
Rowen and Amy

* Knight Mars
Ryo and Raye

Bad Sailors
This one goes with True Moon too! Left to right: Callisto, Phobos, Charon, Deimos, Triton.

* Knight Venus
Cye and Mina

* Knight Jupiter
Sage and Lita

This site is © Mako-chan7. We could care less if you take the images that we didn't make. In other words, the official anime pictures are free to take! DON'T steal our backgrounds or designs! Use your own brain if you want a good site! Stealing ours isn't going to help! Thanks for looking!