

Mutant Island -

mystique's hut Room

This is based on X-Men: Evolution.

*pic coming eventually*

My Opinions:

I think her powers are kind of dull...but she's not that bad.

Basic Stats:

Alias Mystique
Real Name Raven Darkholme
Hair Red
Ability Can take the form of other humans and animals. Possible even inanimate objects....
Age 30+

She's the leader of the Brotherhood.

She disappeared for a little while and came back with the Scarlet Witch.

Rogue is her adopted daughter and Kurt, is her natural son.

Appears to want Magneto either dead or in pain. Who knows why? I missed some episodes....


This site is © Mako-chan7. We could care less if you take the images that we didn't make. In other words, the official anime pictures are free to take! DON'T steal our backgrounds or designs! Use your own brain if you want a good site! Stealing ours isn't going to help! Thanks for looking!