

Mutant Island -

Blob's hut Room

This is based on X-Men: Evolution.

*pic coming eventually*

My Opinions:

I don't care for him much. He's just not my type of mutant.

Basic Stats:

Alias The Blob
Real Name Fred Dukes
Hair Blonde Mohawk
Ability Superhuman strength
Age 16?

He is part of the Brotherhood with Lance, Toad, The Blob, Pietro, and Wanda.

He used to do something like rodeo shows until Mystique found him.

His IQ doesn't appear to be all that high.


This site is © Mako-chan7. We could care less if you take the images that we didn't make. In other words, the official anime pictures are free to take! DON'T steal our backgrounds or designs! Use your own brain if you want a good site! Stealing ours isn't going to help! Thanks for looking!