

Mutant Island -

boom boom's hut Room

This is based on X-Men: Evolution.

*pic coming eventually*

My Opinions:

She's so cool! Her powers are awesome and I love the hair!

Basic Stats:

Alias Boom Boom
Real Name Tabitha Smith
Hair Short and Blonde
Ability Creates little explosives
Age 16?

She started out as an X-Man, but when things got rough, she bailed out and joined the Brotherhood. Then Mystique returned and told her to take a hike, so she did. I'm not sure where she is now.

Before she left the X-Men, her and Kurt seemed to have some chemistry going on! We'll see if it works out into anything!


This site is © Mako-chan7. We could care less if you take the images that we didn't make. In other words, the official anime pictures are free to take! DON'T steal our backgrounds or designs! Use your own brain if you want a good site! Stealing ours isn't going to help! Thanks for looking!